Episode 26: Two Year Hobbitversery!

WHOA! two years of Athrabeth! We reflect on 26 episodes behind us, and the future head of us, and then since we're not the only ones with birthdays in September, we're talking about Hobbit birthday traditions! Its a special Anniversary Athrabeth!

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- H. Carpenter and C. Tolkien (Eds.), The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin (letter 214)

- http://www.tolkienlibrary.com/press/1176-beyond-birthdays-letter-214.php (accessed 8/25/2020)

- “Hobbits and Museums” by Sandra Bishop
Source: Culna, Volume 2002, Issue 57, Dec 2002, p. 03 - 04
© Publisher: National Museum
Persistent Link : https://hdl.handle.net/10520/AJA10162275\_536 (Accessed August 28, 2020)

- The Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien.

Episode 26: Two Year Hobbitversery!
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